Max's 6 Month Update

IMG_7448Every morning I hear little grunts and the ruffling of blankets coming from my baby monitor... Max is awake! As I walk over to his crib and lean in to pick him up, I notice that he has rolled over and pinned his little head into the farthest corner of the crib again. He looks up at me with the gummiest grin and giggles... he really is the happiest boy! How is my littlest boy already 6 months old!? With Jack, time didn't seem to pass nearly as fast. I am really cherishing these next months while my Max is still my little baby. I mean, he will always be my baby... but not my baby that needs to be spoon feed, nursed, burped, and held up.

Here are some of the milestones we are currently at

Crying it out, well we haven't experienced much of this method yet. Max is usually pretty good at taking his binky when he wakes up throughout the night, so I am pretty well down to 2 feedings between 7 pm and 7 am. I am not complaining - Jack was not as easy.Teething... I am not sure at times, maybe its the finger gnawing or drool, but when Max is not the happiest boy something is irritating him... if it's not nap time or Jack then it must be his teeth, right? Max is still rocking his toothless smile ;)IMG_6855Max weigh's 21 pounds - he's a big boy and solely milk was not filling this tank up anymore! So I started feeding Max solid's around 5 months. He started squealing and trying to grab my food whenever I would eat in front of him, he wanted to eat too! I started with Healthy Times Organic Oatmeal Cereal and slowly introduced PC Organics sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, turkey and veggies, pasta and veggies, apple sauce, pear sauce and the odd little baby mum-mum... I am still introducing new solid's into his diet.IMG_7052Max is also taking a bottle of PC Organics Infant Formula twice a day, afternoon and before bedtime (around 7pm). I used PC Organics Infant Formula with Jack and they both enjoy it - It's also cheaper then a lot of other infant formula brands! Max did extremely well transitioning over to the bottle for a few feedings. I use Avent bottles and they have been amazing with both boys... It's also been a nice bonus that we can leave him with mine or Brent's parents if we want the odd night out :)IMG_7296This boy is sitting all on his own, with the odd little tumble of course! Max is rolling over and creeping (the slightest army crawl). I think it's easiest for him when he is on his crib mattress... this boy has a lot of weight to shift around, so a little extra bounce helps.IMG_7628Max loves attention, if your not giving him enough he will let you know with the cutest and loudest squeal's. This boy also has a short temper, he lets you know with his piercing scream. He love's his big bro and he never takes his eye's off of him. Everything Jack doe's is extremely funny to Max. When Brent and Jack wrestle, Max gets so worked up, he want's to get right in there too (soon buddy)! Max is very inquisitive, he is interested in all that surrounds him and he is so eager to touch everything.Processed with VSCOcam with b1 presetMax bring's out the joy in everyone, all you have to do is look at him and he will give you a little smirk! He is one of those character's that we will always want to surround ourselves with!Love you Max <3Thanks for reading!


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