Jack Turns 3
Jack turned three on June 30th and you are probably thinking "that was almost two months ago". Our summer has been busy and those little boys are even busier, so this blog has been collecting dust (if thats even possible). I wanted to enjoy our summer outdoors with the boys as much as possible and as the cooler months approach, we will be spending more time indoors, where I can do more blogging.On Jacks 3rd birthday, my parents and my younger brother's girlfriend came down to celebrate! Jack had been talking for months about how he wanted a John Deere birthday cake, and I know how much that kid loves ice cream... pretty much any kid jumps for ice cream! So we got Jack a DQ cake topped with a John Deere, and it instantly brought a smile from ear to ear, and that's what birthdays are all about :)
And he just wanted to drive his tractor through the mountain of reese cups, obviously!
We sang Happy Birthday while Jack and Max blew out the candles, immediately. The boys couldn't wait to get their hands into that cake!!
The Birthday partiers enjoying some cake.
Jack opened some presents...
Max watched.
Jack loved all of his presents!
And then Max got a turn to open some of Jack's presents.
Jack's Birthday celebration continued as Brent's family came over throughout the week for coffee and ice cream. Grandma Frieda found the best card with a John Deere tractor and Jack loved it so much, he slept with it. Now it sits on a shelf in his room so Max can't get his little fingers on it. Jack had a wonderful birthday filled with tons of family fun. I still can't believe I have a three year old on my hands. And boy, has Jack ever grown over the summer, I really do believe kids grow like weeds, it totally makes sense.
Every year on Jack's birthday, we take a family picture. It's so fun to see how much the boys have grown, but slow downnnnn, please!!
Jack has grown into quite the little character. If you ask Jack what he wants to be when he is older, he will tell you he's already a farmer! He lives and breaths tractors, dirt, mud, and anything you find on the farm... he knows more about farming than his dad! Jack must wear blue jeans and a plaid shirt every. single. day! I'v finally decided to hide them because he would sweat to death in a plaid shirt before he ever took it off! Jack's favourite colours are John Deere green and blue, he asks for everything in blue... its a big deal for a three year old. Jack calls himself Jackster and sometimes talks in third person, its the cutest thing... he will say "common Jackster, we gotta get ready for work" and then he will grab his lunch bag, put on his rubber boots, and tell me he has to cut down a tree in our backyard with his plastic machete knife- what a kid! He is always fixing things and reading farm magazines, where he will shows us the 'cool' tractors.Jack can be grumpy at times, but that's just him, a moody guy that always has a little smirk on his face that he tries to hide. He is bossy with Max but if anyone bugs Max, Jack is the first to jump in and stick up for him. Jack has a sweet and caring side, giving out lots of kisses, and he loves to be cuddled before bedtime... that and back rubs are two of his favourite bedtime excuses, but who can pass those two up, we always get sucked in!Happy 3rd Birthday Jack, you make us the happiest!!