Halloween Recap | DIY Scarecrow Costume


Scarecrow CostumeKicking this past weekend off with Halloween on Friday was awesome! We all had an entire weekend to dress up and indulge in a ton of candy... at least I did (the benefits of having kids)! This was Max's first Halloween, and Jack's third. Friday afternoon, last minute, I decided to come up with a new costume idea for Max.Originally I was just going to re-use one of Jack's costumes from the previous years, but that's no fun. Instantly when I seen Max's plaid shirt sitting next to his straw hat, I knew I wanted to dress him up as a little Scarecrow! 3 dollars later with Hula skirts, I assembled a super quick and easy costume for Max. We took the kids trick or treating at a few friends, and then made the trip up to Gramma and Papa Joe's where they tripled x5 all of Jack's candy... sugar rush! Jack was a little terrified of the kid's who dressed up in zombie masks and that sort of thing... Poor guy, he actually told us he was scared of kids. This year I wasn't as as prepared for Halloween, maybe it snuck up to quick? But next year I have decided I will put more thought and effort into the boy's costumes - I want Jack and Max to have a really cool coordinating theme, and there are some pretty amazing ideas out there! After all, Halloween is the only excuse, once a year, you get to dress up as anything and look super adorable or absolutely ridiculous and get away with it!

DIY Scarecrow costumeSupplies:

• Plaid shirt• Overalls• Straw hat• Hula skirts (amount depending on size of child's clothing)• Scissors• Safety pins• Face makeup


1. Measure diameter around cuff of overalls and shirt arm cuffs2. Cut skirt the same length of boot diameter and arm cuffs3. Pin hula skirt using safety pins along the edge of pants and arm cuffs4. Once hula skirt is pinned to clothing, cut the excess straw to any length you desire5. Dress and apply face makeup to your little Scarecrow!* OPTIONAL TIP: USE THE REMAINING HAY FROM HULA SKIRT AS HAIR BY PINNING TO INSIDE OF HAT

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 My little babies, finished trick or treating for another year

October is officially gone & you will be missed :(But heyyyy November! I will be sharing some of my favourite winter coats, so stay tuned :)


Black Poncho, Black Hat


The Pumpkin Patch