DIY: Watercolour Painting & Tips


WC- headerPainting has always been something I have enjoyed, but I really can't remember the last time I painted anything besides furniture or the walls of our home. Lately I have been inspired by watercolour art on Pinterest and so I decided to give it a go!Watercolour is quite simple. All you do is add water to the watercolour paint and brush it onto a canvas/ paper/ etc. I find that painting with watercolour is something that takes a little bit of patience, like any project... Anyone can be as creative with it as they want to be. I would choose painting over drawing any day. I find that with painting, everything flows and blends together so easily!

Here are some tips that I have learned from my experience using watercolour paint - I am not a professional so bear with me!

• Find something to paint that inspires you• Start off by mapping out your painting on your canvas/ paper/ etc. I like to use a pencil and lightly draw a few simple guidelines before I apply the paint and water• Use a brush that retains its shape - I tend to use the same brush for every colour. I clean it in fresh water and use it on the next colour• Always have a cloth handy. It's nice to dab extra water or colour onto it to get the right consistency• Start with lighter colours (water added to the paint) and apply to canvas first. I usually let the light application half dry and add the darker/ vibrant colours after - this is called a layering affect, and my favourite part!• By layering the paint you can also blend with more or less water/ paint to create an ombre (light to dark) affect• You can usually erase a painting mistake afterwards by blotting a paper towel onto the wet area• The paint will always dry a little bit darker then when applied• You can always go back and add more detail to the painting if you are not satisfied!wc7wc5wc6wc1wc8wc2wc4school stuff 006DIY art is a fun why to add a personal touch to your home. In Max's nursery I created a painting and print for two of the picture frames on his gallery wall, click HERE to check them out! What is something you enjoy doing but hardly find the time to do?

 Happy First Day of October!

"I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." - L. M. Montgomery 

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