Celebrating 24 years!
I'm 24 today!
Reflecting back on my life, I never would have imagined I would be right here where I am today. I am so incredibly blessed beyond words. I had the greatest childhood, with up's and down's, and my teenage years were... well, what most of our parents dread, haha... something I get to look forward too! But along the way I have learned so much about myself and have also made mistakes that have taught me what the true meaning of life is. I have so many people to thank for giving me the guidance and for shaping me into the person I am and continue to become. Thank you :)
I thought it would be a good idea to include 24 things about me you may or may not know
1. I grew up on a farm, and have lived in that house all of my life (my parents still live there) until of course owning my own house2. I am the youngest middle child out of my 3 siblings3. I am awful when it comes to math or anything revolving around numbers4. I have always wanted 3 kids my entire life - But I know how my husband feels about "a third"5. Growing up, my favourite thing to do was play house and venture around the farm6. I used to be the biggest tom boy - literally short hair, clothes and all. People who didn't know me thought I was a boy7. I am a morning person - 7 am riser? But first, I need a coffee8. My biggest fear is getting into a serious car accident - it happens to often, it terrifies me9. I am a good listener10. I am an introvert, I used to be extremely shy - my husband and I are complete opposites11. I am organized but can be a procrastinator12. I am never satisfied with my own work13. I have a major sweet tooth, I always indulge in something sweet after dinner14. I love country music, but have never been to a huge country concert15. I eat oatmeal with brown sugar almost every morning, it's like a healthier version of dessert!16. I have only had my nails done once in my life, and that was shellac for my wedding17. I notice little details about everything18. I am left handed19. I love food, and will almost eat anything - maybe not pig feet or cow brain20. One of my all time favourite songs is "apologize" by OneRepublic... I don't know what it is about that song, but I love it21. My favourite colours are army green, black and white22. I used to be super athletic and played every sport... but maybe not so much anymore23. Sometimes I need a little silence to think clearly24. The happiest I have ever been in my life, is right where I am now. I cannot begin to express how much I love my own little family, my other families and friends that surround me. Thank you celebrating another year of my life!