DIY Christmas Ornament Wall Hanging


I'm always looking for new and unique ideas to decorate our home for the Holidays; something I can easily DIY because oddly enough, I seem to be changing my Christmas theme year after year! As much as I love to go all out with decor, lately all I want to do is simplify our home. A little can go a long way, ya know!?With that being said, I wanted to share the cutest and easiest DIY, something that would make a great hostess gift and win you gold stars in your in-laws book *wink wink. This Christmas Wall Hanging can be packaged individually or packaged fully assembled, it's up too you. Plus this is a great little DIY to do with your kiddos :)Guest with the Best

DIY Christmas Ornament Wall Hanging

DIY Christmas Ornament Wall Hanging

Materials• stick• jute rope• clear fishing line• variety of ornaments• greeneryDIY Christmas Ornament Wall HangingStep 1: Cut jute rope to desired hanging length. Tie one end of stick and knot with jute rope and do the same to the opposite end of stick.

DIY Christmas Ornament Wall HangingStep 2: Use a push pin or nail and add drape wall hanging on the wall. I found it easiest to hang the stick and tie each ornament onto it.

DIY Christmas Ornament Wall HangingStep 3: Using the clear fish line, tie one end to the ornament and tie the other end onto the hanging stick. Keep doing this until you have an variety of ornaments in different shapes, colours and sizes arranged.

DIY Christmas Ornament Wall HangingStep 4: Take a piece of greenery and tuck it into one end of the knotted jute for the perfect finishing holiday touch!

DIY Christmas Ornament Wall HangingHow fun was that!? Do you seen yourself making one of these as a holiday gift?

Here's a few more of my favourite ornaments from Wayfair that would look amazing transformed into an Ornament Wall Hanging!

Star Ornament Star Ornament 

 Wayfair ornamentsPrism Ornaments 

Thanks for sponsoring this post, Wayfair!


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