Our Wedding: Recap


On December 1st 2011, Brent and I found out we were going to be parents. Usually this is something most couples are excited about, but for us we were young and completely terrified. Both Brent and I were in a transition in our lives before we found out about this surprising news. We were both living lives that were not true to our faith, and we were still trying to understand where in this world we fit in. With our surprising news, we made some big life decisions within that year. The first decision we made was pro life, without any hesitation we knew our little peanut was a gift from above. The second decision we made was marriage. I really thought deep and hard about spending the rest of my life with Brent, I was going to have to deal with a lot of his bad habits (kidding... for the most part). We knew we loved each other for a reason and we wanted to bring our baby up together as a family. We decided we wanted to live together after we were married and before Jack arrived. We had planned an intimate day to officially become married, but Jack decided to arrive the day before. Our pastor came for a visit at the hospital and officiated Brent and I as husband and wife with Jack in our arms! The third decision was a wedding. I was fine with a small intimate wedding, but Brent on the other hand was dreaming about his wedding day since he was a little boy (always the life of the party, wink). Our fourth decision we had was buying a house - I was most excited about this and our baby. Brent was all about the big wedding, and I had always dreamed about my wedding gown and walking down the aisle with my dad. On October 13th 2012 we celebrated our marriage with friends and family! I don't know how we made it through that hectic year, maybe we were just to busy to notice... but here we are, and I am so happy with how far we have come together as a family.

Our Wedding Pictures

It was one of the coldest days in October

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Bathroom Makeover


The DeKoning's