Our Urban Country Christmas Living Room

We've come a long way in this cozy little living room of ours. We've had a few different Christmas themes in this home and this one has by far been my favourite with all the woodsy animals, black, silver and copper accents, and just solely focusing on keeping things simple! Every year is more exciting than the last, the boys look forward to decorating the tree and drinking large abundances of hot chocolate and mini marshmallow combos that they can get their little hands on.We began planning this room makeover back in September and I'm so excited to finally see our vision come to life thanks to our friends at Leon's Furniture :) This room has evolved over the years and it's finally beginning to fit in with our family. It's always such an adventure trying to balance kids "stuff" and nailing down your own personal style, but once you do, it's the best feeling! Now if only I didn't always want to change everything a million and one times. I'm told that's what happens to creative minds when we get a little bored ;) 

Here's the before...The Before Living Room | Little DeKonings Blog

And After!our-urban-country-living-room-9

Our Urban Country Christmas Living Room Our Urban Country Christmas Living Room In this little area, we like to display our Christmas cards from friends and family.

Our Urban Country Christmas Living Room That winter story book sitting on our Capella Sofa is mine from when I was a wee little girl. I drew all over the pages with the classic ball and stick people, LOL, and I still remember my absolute favourite story in the book- it was something about a hot potato...

 Our Urban Country Christmas Living Room The photos displayed in the frames on the photo ledge are free printables from Pinterest. You can take a browse through this board to find them + more!

Our Urban Country Christmas Living Room Love these humans <3 <3

Our Urban Country Christmas Living Room That little rocking horse was a gift to me on my first Birthday, I'm pretty sure my uncle made it for me. It's pretty cool that my own toys get to relive through my own children's childhood. Plus how CUTE is that old horse!

Our Urban Country Christmas Living Room We went on an adventure and cute this tree branch down for a cool project which you'll have to check out at Hello Yellow Blog, here!

And thanks to our friends at Square Snaps for providing us with these amazing quality Polaroid Style Photos, they are so classic and cool, the boys and I LOVE flipping through them!!

our-urban-country-living-room-8Our Urban Country Christmas Living Room

Make sure to check out Hello Holiday: a guide for your happy holiday home for more inspiration and read about our living room story here :)

Lastly, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for following along on this little adventure of ours. We also have some exciting news that I am looking forward to sharing with all of you. In the meantime, enjoy the Holiday festivities!

Kass <3


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