Halloween snuck up quick, wow! I feel like time just keeps speeding up and I just keep saying this time after time, again. But this year we were SO beyond excited to take the boys out for Halloween! Jack gets the whole concept and Max, well he's bat crazy running around with his blanket over his head, acting like he can walk through walls, literally. To celebrate this time of year, I decorated the boys corner of our main floor with a little Halloween fun. The boys love it, although Jack is a little freaked out by the black owl, but other then that, we made a few Halloween crafts pictured below (thank you dollar store). A few weeks ago, Jack and I made this DIY Halloween BOO Banner and you can see the step-by-step tutorial over at Hello Yellow Blog -- it's super easy and affordable to make, keep it in mind for next year ;)
They're not really into eating the candy, just ripping the wrappers off and collecting heaps of chocolate... kids.
On Friday Jack painted a few pumpkins in style while we argued over his costume -- He was so set on being a firefighter and then a few days before, it's cowboy. I won this battle. Halloween, the boys dressed up as the law enforcement squad -- Jack a firefighter and Max a policeman. Max tried to cuff Jack a few times for his bad attitude, typical. The weather was crappy, I swear every Halloween it's wet and rainy but that doesnt stop kids from collecting free candy, right!? We visited a few friends/ trick or treated, and the boys just wanted to eat candy the whole time, so it was pretty easy to call it a night after a few stops.In other news, I'm really excited to share another project I'v collaborated with the Hello Yellow team on. We will be launching Hello Holiday by Leon's Furniture and Hello Yellow Blog, filled with inspiring festive homes, DIYs, recipes, and tons more! Keep your eyes peeled, you don't want to miss this -- coming very very soon!! And guys, what's even more bizarre is that we've been busy hustling Christmas projects since July! Now I can sit back and share all the amazing content and gear up for Christmas festivities!!Happy November!