Farwell Summer, Hello September

Hey guys! I'm back! Here's a little scoop of what's been happening around here. We've been busy and I always say busy, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that anyone who has kids is definitely going to say life is busy, am I right? September has been a whole new level of busy (in a good way), I say that because we shot Christmas this month with Leon's AND if you're a fan of Style At Home, make sure to pick up December's Issue because there will be a printed version of Hello Holiday 2016 attached *woot woot. Jack started school. I HAVE A KID IN SCHOOL!? I mean, I feel old and I'm not really that old, or am I? I remember the day Jack came into this world, how tiny he was. I remember him wobbling around the living room and sitting in his high chair yelling "coooookiiiiieeee" (he could hardly talk back then). Now he's grown into this sweet boy who has so much passion for the things he loves. Man oh man --

Oh how the seasons change and with it, our children.

So what have we been up to!? Well via Instagram, because guys, if you really want to know what we've been doing, check there or occasionally here for our little DeKoning updates...

09.07.16Jacks official first day of JK. Two of us cried, can you guess who? Jack wasn't one of them!

I sort have gotten into essential oils and made some shower bombs, SAY whaaa? DIY post to come ;)

Jack got some new undies and so it was only necessary to parade around in them dressed like a cowboy.

With September being as gorgeous as it has been, well up until this point, we spent many days outdoors, playing in the bush and putting our chainsaw skills to the test. Jack say's the chainsaw is a little too dangerous for me- no fair if you ask me.

We picked sunflowers and sea buckthorn berries as the sun went down. Fact* Sea buckthorn berries are used for preventing infections, improving sight, and slowing the aging process. Sea buckthorn packs 12 times the amount of vitamin C as an orange. Read more about these berries here. And if you're wondering why we are in a sea buckthorn pasture, it's because my parents grow these super cool berries!

All the white pumpkins and crisp cool air make me giddy :)

We moved Max into Jack's bedroom and now the boys are sharing a room. The transition went well and then a few weeks later Max gave up the binky (not willingly)! Next up potty training... baby steps, baby steps. Also, note how flipping adorable my little Max was as a baby *sobbing*

With fall in the air, so is the desperate craving for apple crisp. The boys inhale it like no other. Also that glass end table, OBSESSED!

We welcomed our newest addition to the DeKoning fam, baby Rue, a rescue kitten from the streets of Quebec. #dontshopadopt

My parents farm is pumpkin galore! All the heart eyes <3


 Pumpkin stacking?

This view is something else!

The boys have been waiting ever so patiently and reminding us for weeks about the "farm show" but really it's called the International Plowing Match. When the day came, I have never seen two boys soooooo darn excited! They must have sat on 100 + tractors that day :D

In other news, I'm hoping to do a series where I share photos of our home from Instagram on here.. maybe the title will be something like "Our Home IG Style"or " Our Home through IG" or "The DeKoning Dwelling, IG Style", I give up...Do you have any suggestions? Thanks for stopping by,Kass


Our Home Through Instagram

