Christmas 2016

This Christmas we spent the weekend at my parents and it was jam-packed full of food, outdoor play and movies. I feel like the ultimate couch potato at my parents but it was good to just relax and enjoy each others company. Brent took Jack and Max outside and built the boys a slide out of all the wet snow and they had so a blast sliding down it. Unfortunately the next day we had a thunderstorm, yes you heard that right, rain and thunder on Christmas, how crazy is that!? And well, the boys slide didn't survive the rain which lead Jack to believe summer was on the horizon (I wish that was the case!).The night before Christmas, Jack and Max insisted they go to bed early so that Santa would come sooner, smart boys if you ask me! So we read the boys a few of their new favourite books and they fell asleep instantly. The boys were up bright and early to see what Santa had put under the Christmas tree! They played all morning with their new toys (most of them being tractors) while we continued the day eating, playing and relaxing. One of the gifts I received from my mom was Pure Light Balayage Hair Lightener. It's basically a thick(er) lightening formula that you paint onto your hair, which makes the whole painting process easier. I'm totally going to try painting/ colouring my own hair (most likely with my mother's assistance), I don't know how it will turn out, but I'm sure if the process turns out, I'll share it with you ;) ... and I might be crazy for attempting such a thing?Overall, 2016 was a wonderful Christmas and a magical one too. We got home just in time for the boys to say good-bye to our elf  "Franky" before he headed back to the North Pole. Now that another Christmas has come and gone, we have these beautiful photos to look back on by Mel, Blue Velvet Photography- Thanks girl! <3Christmas 2016 Christmas 2016 Christmas 2016 Christmas 2016 Christmas 2016 Christmas 2016 Christmas 2016 Christmas 2016 Christmas 2016 Christmas 2016 Christmas 2016 Christmas 2016 Christmas 2016It's hard to believe that another Christmas has past, it seems like we are so anxious for it to get here and before you know it, we're jumping into a new year. I'm also excited for the boys to spend a little quality time together over Christmas break and as much as I love Christmas, I'm excited to head into 2017 with all of our hopes and dreams.

We hope that you had a very Merry Christmas with your loved ones and that 2017 will bring you an abundance of joy and happiness!

The DeKonings


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